Spotlight on Graduate Student Research: LGBTQ Health and Well-Being

This event will showcase graduate student research from across the university. Panelists will discuss their common interest in LGBT health and well-being from a range of disciplinary perspectives. Panelist are Peter Meidlinger, Amy Vanderpool, Amy Arellano, Allison Bonander, and Christina Ivey.
“Gender-Inclusive Language Best Practices,” Amy Vanderpool (Counseling Psychology)
Using research within the realms of linguistics and LGBTQ+ community wellness, Vanderpool will discuss how the language we use as a community shapes our collective understanding of what gender identity and expression (can and do) mean, particularly as it pertains to "non-binary" or "gender non-conforming" identities.

“Disclosure, Concealment, and Well-being in Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Individuals,” Peter Meidlinger (Clinical Psychology)
Peter Medlinger’s work reconceptualizes the measurement of processes of concealment and disclosure of sexual orientation as they relate to understanding stress processes among lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals, and examines their relationships with well-being and mental health.

“‘No Matter What:’ A Dialogic Analysis of Turning Points and Interaction in Parent/LGBT Child Relationships,” Amy Arellano, Allison Bonander, and Christina Ivey (Communication Studies)
Arellano, Bonander, and Ivey will examine the turning points in parent-child relationships after a child has ‘come out’, the discursive struggles of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender children and their parents, and how parents of LGBT children interact and navigate changes in individual, dyadic, and familial identity after their child acknowledges his or her non-heterosexual identity

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