Decision Aids
Breakeven Cow-Q-Lator for Feeders or Cull Cows Excel spreadsheet 145 KB 6-9-16 An Excel worksheet that calculates breakevens for feeders or cull cows.
Corn Stalk Grazing Calculator                        Excel spreadsheet 145 KB 6-9-16 An Excel worksheet for matching livestock size and numbers with corn stalk acres needed with a cost.
Cow-Calf Share Lease   Cow-Q-Lator Excel spreadsheet 198 KB 6-9-16 An Excel worksheet that calculates an equitable share arrangement for leasing cows. The password for this spreadsheet is "cow" if prompt to use one.
Cow-Calf Cost Cow-Q-Lator Excel spreadsheet 357 KB 6-9-16 An Excel worksheet that calculates the cost of raising one calf.
Feed Cost Cow-Q-Lator Excel spreadsheet 195 KB 6-9-16 An Excel worksheet with Examples comparing the cost of TDN and Crude Protein in different feeds considering transportation and handling costs with losses. It also calculates the feed needed and total cost given herd size and days fed.