Honors Innovative Teaching Award Nominations

The Center for Transformative Teaching (CTT) and the University Honors Program value innovative teaching and we want to celebrate faculty who are creative and effective in teaching and learning, and who actively promote Honors pedagogies and teaching expectations. We want to hear about how faculty create enviornments that are student-centered, expeirential, and inclusive!

To nominate yourself or others, please complete the following form, which will include an explanation in writing (300 words or less) or video (2 minutes or less) of the innovating teaching technique(s) and the effect is has on students and learning. 

Eligible faculty include instructors of any rank/title from any department, who teach Honors seminar courses (189H, UHON 298H, UHON 395H) or department Honors courses, or who engage in innovating work with Honors course contracts.

Nominations are due by May 1, 2024.

Up to two awards of $1000 each will be announced at the Honors Graduation Celebration on May 16, 2024, 4:30-6:00 pm. 

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Nomination Explanation

In the "Nomination Details" field below, please explain the innovative teaching technique and the effect is has on students and learning. Submissions may be in written format (300 words or less) or in video format (2 minutes or less). Be sure to include the name and number of the Honors course in which the innovative teaching occurs. If nominating via video format, please upload the video to YuJa or YouTube and submit a link to the video here, and ensure your file is set so anyone with the link may access it.

If your noimee is not selected for this award, may we share your nomiating comments with them? (Nomination comments about those selected for the award will be shared when the award is announced.) Required