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University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Career Closet

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Operated by the Alpha Delta Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi, the Career Closet provides clean, gently used professional dress items for ALL University of Nebraska–Lincoln students for FREE to allow them to put their best foot forward at career fairs and job interviews.

Make a Donation

Career Closet Information

Student looking at professional clothing

Days of Operation: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays
Hours of Operation: 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Location: HLH 102 (DIGS)
Number of items per student per semester: 3 professional dress items
Examples: One item would count as any one of the following: Shirts/Blouses, Jackets, Pants, ties, Belts, Shoes, Scarves. (Note a full matching suit only counts as 1 item) A business student can only take 1 matching suit, and no student can split up a matching suit (i.e. Taking just the jacket or pants is not allowed)

Student Requirements to Shop at Career Closet

Bring your student ID to the Career Closet at any of the dates and times listed above. It really is that easy!

Supporting the Career Closet

The Career Closet is always in need of clean, gently used professional and business casual items. Some examples include suits, ties, sport coats, blazers, blouses, skirts, dress pants and more.

Drop your donations off at Career Closet bin in front of the Business Career Center in the College of Business Building.
Donations can be dropped off any time the College of Business building is open which is generally Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Howard L. Hawks Hall
730 N 14th St.
Lincoln, NE 68508

You can also ship donations to the address provided in Dr. Laurie Miller's contact information at the bottom of this page.

We accept monetary donations. We use these funds to purchase clothing that are in need (for example, high demand sizes and classic pieces).

Make a Donation

Masculin Career Closet
Feminin Career Closet
Career Closet clothes
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Miller, Laurie A
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs and Curriculum and Associate Professor of Practice in Economics
HLH 301 G
P.O. Box 880405
Lincoln, NE 68588-0405

Career Closet Sponsors

Bulu Box
Williams Cleaners
Northwestern Mutual
Union Bank and Trust