Husker Grow

Husker GrowGuided Reflection on Work

View the 2021 Summary Report 

Student employees at the bowling alley in the East Union

Taking Learning to the Next Level

More than 1,600 students are employed each year by the departments and units within Student Life. From office and desk assistants to resident assistants, intramural referees, fitness instructors, and event planners, Nebraska students benefit from connecting on-the-job experiences to coursework and career aspirations. If you are a student interested in working for a department, contact the department directly for application information and deadlines or search on-campus jobs in Handshake.

Husker GROW takes learning to the next level through reflective conversations with student employees and highly engaged student leaders like student organization officers and peer mentors. Brief structured conversations between students and their supervisor or coach help connect on-the-job and leadership experiences to coursework and career ambitions.

83.7% of Husker GROW participants report seeing connection between their responsibilities and academic major or coursework. Only 51.5% of student employees who are not participating in GROW conversations see this connection.

Being an RA and SRA at Schramm has taught me an endless amount about communicating and working with others in a cooperative, healthy, and positive manner. This has significantly benefitted my success as a student when working in a team setting such as a group project or presentation.

Husker GROW Survey, 2018

Students who engage in two Husker GROW conversations each semester are twice as likely to see connections between work and life as a student.

Before my job at the rec, I was really bad at replying to emails, but since we have to reply to an email each week in a timely fashion I have gotten much better at replying to emails and just paying attention to emails in general. This helps with my success as a student because it has helped me do a better job of paying more attention to important class announcements and emails.

Husker GROW Survey, 2018

91.4% of students who participated in Husker GROW agreed or strongly agreed that their student employment or leadership role helped them improve problem solving skills, interpersonal skills, teamwork, communication skills and adaptability.

I have learned to more effectively manage my time as a result of working while taking class. This is an invaluable skill that I believe will go on contribute to both my professional and academic success.

Husker GROW Survey, 2018

87.1% of students who participate in Husker GROW report as a result of their experience that they are able to learn from and interact respectfully with diverse cultures, races, ages, genders, sexual orientations and religions. This compares to 70.6% of students who have not participated in the program.

I have learned to be unassuming and simply just kind. I don't know who walks into the food pantry and for what reason they are here, but I know this food is helping them in some way.

Husker GROW Survey, 2018

How HUSKER GROW Reinforces Institutional Objectives

University of Nebraska   
ACE Goals
Key Outcomes from HUSKER GROW
Integrative and Applied Learning   
Integrate learning, adapting to new settings, questions and responsibilities.
The very nature of HUSKER GROW is connecting across contexts.
Skill Development   
Develop intellectual and practical skills, including proficiency in written, oral, and visual communication; inquiry techniques; critical and creative thinking; quantitative applications; information assessment; teamwork; and problem-solving.
  • Communication skills
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Analytical and quantitative skills
  • Strong work ethic
  • Initiative
  • Interpersonal skills
Individual and Social Responsibility   
Exercise individual and social responsibility through the study of ethical principles and reasoning, application of civic knowledge, interaction with diverse cultures, and engagement with global issues.
  • Leadership
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Appreciation of other worldviews

Working as a staff assistant for sport programs at Campus Recreation has helped me develop into the strong and confident woman I am today. Having the opportunity to strengthen my communication, problem-solving, and adaptability has already and will continue to benefit me in my future career. Husker GROW has helped me to realize that these skills I use at work are applicable in many areas of my life.”Sarah Carlson Biochemistry major from Rapid City, SD

Portrait of Sarah Carlson


If you are interested in getting involved with HUSKER GROW and using the curriculum, please email Zac Brost at