Civil - Lunch With Jacque Hinman

Lunch with Jacque Hinman, CEO of CH2M Hill

When:  Friday October 19 12:00 – 1:30 PM

Where:   Scott Engineering Center Link (SLNK) N105 - City Campus

Who:  We particularly encourage female graduate students (and senior undergraduates) in civil engineering. 

What:  Come meet and engage with Jacque Hinman as she discusses her experience as an engineer and in management at CH2M Hill.

Lunch is provided!

RSVP required by Wed. Oct 17.

Jacque Hinman, P.E., LEED, has been the CEO of CH2M Hill since 2014. CH2M Hill is a global engineering company that specializes in complex infrastructure and natural resources problems. Jacque received her bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Pennsylvania State University. She joined CH2M early in her engineering career and ultimately working her way to CEO and president of the company. This event is an opportunity to meet with Jacque in a small group and have open discussions about the civil engineering industry, engineering management, and women in engineering!

Year in Education Required
Focus Area Required