eCommerce Storefront - Marketplace - UNL

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UNL Marketplace logoUNL Marketplace is a centralized eCommerce platform for the units and departments of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. It was developed to provide a single, robust infrastructure for online transactions, integrated into the university website. Each store within the Marketplace is maintained by a representative of that respective unit/department.

Benefits & Features

A robust, PCI-compliant eCommerce system maintained by Information Technology Services. Store managers can maintain and modify their own product listings, category structure, access reports and process refunds.

Getting Started

If you are interested in opening a store for your university organization, please submit a ticket using the form on this page.


UNL Marketplace is available to departments/organizational units of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.


A monthly hosting fee will be charged for this service. In additional, a small percentage of your revenue will be collected to cover credit card processing fees and our secure payment server. Additional help with managing your store, creation of products, etc. is available at our standard hourly service rate. Please submit a ticket using the form on this page for a detailed breakdown of these costs.

Additional Information

The UNL Marketplace system and infrastructure is developed, maintained, and supported by Information Technology Services.


For the most efficient support experience, please submit a ticket using the request form on this page. Customer questions related to products or orders will be redirected to a representative of the store.

Submit Service Request


Service ID: 143
Wed 4/3/24 8:09 PM
Fri 5/10/24 8:21 AM