Goal Setting for the New Year


Sarah Danahy, left, Madalyn Schoneman and Alexis Tenorio study in the Knoll Residential Center lounge.

New year, better you! As cliché as it sounds, the new year is a fresh opportunity to define goals for the next 12 months, reset expectations and reflect on the past year — which, to be honest, is easier said than done. Here are a few tips we recommend when setting intentions for the new year.

How to define goals

Too many people set unrealistic, unattainable goals in the new year. This year, create a list of measurable, achievable and thoughtful objectives. Having trouble deciding where to begin? Check this list of goals to get the list started.

Balance goals with variety

Maybe this year is the year of signing up for more clubs or improving your GPA. While it is great to have a focus to work on throughout the year, add some variety to your list of goals. For example, if your focus is on academics, set goals outside of this space to reinforce balance in your life. This could be trying one recipe a month or getting together with a friend every week. To become the best version of yourself, you need well-rounded goals for each area of your life. Consider having a goal in each of the following areas:

  1. Academic
  2. Professional
  3. Personal
  4. Health
  5. Mental well-being
  6. Relationships
  7. Something FUN to push you outside of your comfort zone

Write goals down

Whether you are into a vision board, a carefully crafted graphic or a simple list on your Notes app, write your goals down. Not only does writing goals help you actually remember them, but it also gives you something to look back on to review your accomplishments. As a bonus, once you accomplish the goal, you can cross it off the list! Make the list fun, aesthetically pleasing, or even simple to keep you motivated!

Keep track of progress

It’s easy to set goals on January 1, but following through is the real challenge. Hold yourself accountable this time around by tracking progress. This can take shape in a variety of ways — maybe it’s setting short term goals to reach the larger end goal, or maybe it’s having an accountability partner to keep you on track. Either way, find what works for you!

Offer yourself some grace

Setting, staying on track and achieving goals is no small feat. Because your goals are meant to push you outside your comfort zone, it can be frustrating when things are taking longer than expected. Remember, reaching goals takes time and patience. Each day is an opportunity to be 1% better than you were the day before. You are doing your best. Offer yourself some grace and reflect on all the amazing things you have done thus far!

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